20 Mind-Blowing Facts About WCW

12. WCW Tried To Script Fan Responses


A few years ago, a video appeared on YouTube showing a TNA production team member informing the live crowd at the Impact Zone of their responsibilities. It was incredible to see a wrestling company trying to treat fans like this in 2009/2010, telling them who to cheer for and who to boo - when promotions have to be that blatant about things, it reeks of desperation, basically saying to folks, 'We don't know what you want, so we'll just tell you instead'.

TNA weren't the first to try this approach. When Eric Bischoff convinced WCW higher-ups to move tapings to Disney Studios in the early-90's, the main strategy was to cut costs, but in essence WCW became little more than just another attraction at the park.

Due to this, Bischoff felt it'd be fine to hold up cue cards for the audience, letting them know when to cheer and when to boo, which plainly just doesn't work. The whole thing came across as forced, and harnessed a wholly unnatural vibe to WCW events. WWE may take signs away from fans and throw the toys out the pram when they cheer Daniel Bryan, but at least they don't hold up cue cards!

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Hulk Hogan WCW
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.