20 Mind-Blowing Facts About WCW

14. Wrestlers Were Given A New 'Nitro' Shirt At Each Taping


There were around 52 episodes of WCW's flagship program, Monday Nitro, each year. The company employed a ton of staff, not just wrestlers, but camera crew, announcers, referees, agents and production workers were all on the promotion's payroll. It's startling to think that this is true, but at every single episode of Monday Nitro, every single staff member was handed a crisp new Nitro t-shirt, fresh out the packet.

Why this was deemed a good idea is really beyond comprehension, what were WCW management trying to achieve with this? To show staff that there would always be a plentiful supply of new t-shirts on offer backstage? Talk about unnecessary focus, this was a colossal waste of money.

WWE like to take care of their staff from time to time when on the road, and do spend money on frivolous things such as pyrotechnics and things of that nature, but at least they have some bearing on the visual product. It's nice that WCW were trying to appear professional by giving everyone a shirt, but a new one at every taping seems more than a little excessive.

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Hulk Hogan WCW
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.