20 Mind-Blowing Facts About WCW

15. Wanted To Run nWo Seperately


Make no mistake about it, the New World Order was a master stroke of an idea by Eric Bischoff, something which helped really change the promotion's fortunes around. The angle put WCW on the wrestling map as a major force, and this momentum would lead to the company actually even over-taking Vince McMahon and the WWF.

Nobody had challenged McMahon this way before, ever, and it was quite the sight to see two multi-million dollar organisations going at one another's throats week in and week out. Due to the success of the nWo project, Bischoff had a master plan, one which would lead to the WWF becoming - wait for it - the number three wrestling company in the land.

Bischoff planned to launch the nWo as a separate brand from WCW, thus - in theory - doubling the amount of revenue from TV advertising, ticket sales, merchandise and Pay-Per-View. Better yet, WCW and the nWo would meet a few times per year in massive PPV events, ones which would break all kinds of records. Sadly, emphasis on the heel nWo would hurt WCW, but it seemed so perfect at the time.

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Hulk Hogan WCW
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.