20 Most Iconic Wrestling Costumes Of All Time

13. Sable's Handprint Bikini

Greatest Wrestling Costumes

Whether you liked it or not, sex was a major selling point during the Attitude Era. In fact, aside from the sophomoric humor and salty language, you might say it was the biggest selling point of the era. And no one represented that fact better than Sable.

With her soft features and big "assets", Sable was must-see television for any fan who'd hit puberty. Capitalizing on those attributes with an all-leather bodysuit -- with bustier and numerous slits down the side for additional flesh adoration -- only made sense.

But it's the image from Fully Loaded 1998 that will be forever burned into the minds of fans. Disregarding the pretense of real competition altogether, Sable and Jacqueline went head-to-head in a bikini contest, with the winner essentially being whoever bared the most skin.

That's when we saw the now legendary handprint bikini, an outfit (or lack thereof) that pushed the envelope to the extreme and pretty much embodies the spirit of the Attitude Era.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.