When your business is based around marketing oversized, sweaty, athletic men, performing under hot lights all while wearing tight Lycra, how could you possibly think about marketing a product based around how good the customer will smell? Its unlikely that when people were tuning into Nitro in 1999 and witnessing Hulk Hogan battle Ric Flair for the 19th time that year, they were thinking boy I wish I could smell like those guys. Its a shame that WCW went out of business because we are curious to know what other concoctions they could have come up with, had this one been a success. Would there have been a Road Wild soap that smelled like exhaust fumes, leather, and beer? Or a Spring Stampede deodorant that smelled like a bale of hay? Were curious to know how youd market a cologne called World War 3, or an air freshener called Fall Brawl. But we are all but certain that if WCW had stayed in business these concepts would have been up on the drawing board at some time.
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Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie.
I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.