20 Worst Moments Of CM Punk's WWE Career

18. Mentoring Darren Young

Long before NXT became the breeding ground for the future generation of WWE Superstars, it was a reality show. Each competing rookie was backed by an esteemed WWE Superstar or Diva who acted as a mentor. Darren Young, who later went on to become half of the Prime Time Players and the first active gay WWE Superstar, had the unfortunate luck of being rookie to a pre-shaven Punk. During his time with NXT, Punk tried to convince Young to join The Straight Edge Society, an offer in which Young very heavily contemplated until he learned that he'd have to part ways with his funky hairdo. Otherwise though, Punk couldn't have cared less about Young's development. Perhaps it was because Young at the time branded himself as the "South Beach Party Boy," but the Chicago-made star would sometimes bail in the middle of Young's matches and offered very few tips and advice on career advancement. While many wrestling fans likely looked up to Punk at this point in his career, he shirked all admiration and showed his first signs of utter disinterest in the business.

Nicole Malczan is a freelance writer, music lover, and pro wrestling fanatic. Combining all of her passions into one is her biggest joy. In her free time, she enjoys walking her dog, reading comics, eating pizza, and playing video games. http://nicolemalczan.weebly.com/