20 Wrestlers Who Won World Titles In The Fewest Matches

4. David Arquette (WCW Title)

Sheamus WWE Lightning Fast

Number Of TV Matches: 2

It's David Arquette in WCW time, people.

Granted, calling Arquette a wrestler back in 2000 was stretching it, but he's gone on to work quite a few matches on the independent circuit in more recent years. Dave obviously felt like he had something to prove after being lambasted by an industry he actually adores. Being fair, none of that was his fault.

WCW's braintrust put Arquette in a celeb-infused bout vs. Eric Bischoff on the 24 April 2000 Nitro. Nobody hated that too much, because David was beating non-wrestler Bisch. 24 hours later, Arquette was taping a tag match for Thunder...and won the World Title. "Did David Arquette just win the World Title?!", asked Tony Schiavone on comms.

Arquette worked two more matches for the promotion, including one on pay-per-view at Slamboree, before hanging up his boots for years.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.