20 WTF Moments In Stone Cold Steve Austin's WWE Career

4. Being Thrown Off A Bridge By The Rock

As already mentioned, back in the early days of Raw, the writers certainly liked to keep us on our toes wondering if our favorite Superstars hadn't died by some horrible fate hinted at during the week before. In spring 1999, the trend continued when The Rock stole the Smoking Skull belt from Austin, and, when the two met outside the arena near a bridge in Detroit, Rock tossed the Texas Rattlesnake right over into the water. There was even a fake memorial service on the next episode of Raw in which Rock eulogized Stone Cold. Of course, guess who came back to interrupt his own funeral? While going back and watching it now the segments may seem a little hokey, think about it back then. In 1999, the Internet was still relatively new technology, and although dirt sheets existed, no one could spoil a live show. Therefore, you had to wonder for a week if Stone Cold had really survived in the mid-April cold Detroit waters.

Nicole Malczan is a freelance writer, music lover, and pro wrestling fanatic. Combining all of her passions into one is her biggest joy. In her free time, she enjoys walking her dog, reading comics, eating pizza, and playing video games. http://nicolemalczan.weebly.com/