22 Greatest WWE Champion vs. Champion Matches Ever

11. Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

Cm Punk John Cena Summerslam 2011

And one month later, on another episode of Raw, RVD added the Hardcore title to his repertoire, this time defeating Tommy Dreamer in another brutal affair.

Incidentally, the primary weapon of choice in this match was once again a ladder. Van Dam used in to good effect in a nice tree of woe spot, which ended with his classic running Chair Surf kick, before another Five Star Frog Splash secured the victory for Mr. Monday Night.

In principal, this result meant that Van Dam was in fact the Intercontinental, European and Hardcore champions, all at the same time. The Euro-Hardcore-nental champion, perhaps?

On second thoughts, I can see why that one didn’t catch on…


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.