22 Mind-Blowing WCW Wrestler Salaries You Won't Believe

11. Sid Vicious, $892,458 In 2000

Sid had been a headliner in the WWF and was to an extent a main star in WCW. But to pay him more than Ric Flair, that's just wrong. This one has to be a case of WCW thinking giants are money, but really, they wasted that investment on Sid. He was at best an average worker. He did have a World Championship run in 2000, and featured in many big matches, so that goes some way to explaining his big earnings that year. The year before, he'd earned $633,531, which is still a huge amount. At the start of 2001, he sickeningly broke his leg. That was pretty much the end of his career.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.