22 Mind-Blowing WCW Wrestler Salaries You Won't Believe

16. Tank Abbot, $624,258 In 2000

This was another travesty. Over half a million dollars blown on a non-wrestler. Can you imagine how that made the wrestlers in the WCW locker room feel? Tank Abbot was a UFC guy, but this was before MMA really had any prestige or mainstream worthiness. He wasn't even that athletic, he was just a puncher and a brawler. He had no business being in a pro wrestling ring. Still, the company signed him up and tried to push him as a contender to Bill Goldberg. Vince Russo even suggested putting the World Title on Tank, a suggestion which saw Russo removed from the booking team!
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.