22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

5. Dr. Hiney Skit Mocks J.R.'s Colonoscopy

As Jim Ross was off work to have a real-life colonoscopy, Vince decided to turn it into an infamous segment, in which McMahon himself played a "doctor" called Dr. Hiney, assisted by a busty "nurse" known as Nurse Slobberknockers. Cue 7 painful minutes of Vince hunched over a fake a** (supposed to be JR's, naturally), as fart noises are dubbed in, he pulls various items out of the orifice such as JR's own BBQ sauce and Mae Young's "other hand", uses a plunger to unblock it and JR's commentary is dubbed over the most "outrageous" parts. The segment ends with Vince pulling a model JR head out of the "a**", with Vince remarking that the problem all along was that he simply had his head up his own a**. Vince then clears the operating table, carries Nurse Slobberknockers onto it and they start hooking up as the camera zooms in on the JR head, while JR's "Look at the carnage here!" is dubbed over the top. It's one of the most agonisingly awful segments in WWE history, a painfully tasteless mockery of a man's real-life health issues that's not even remotely funny. It shows just how out of touch Vince can be, as he's pretty much the only person who found this one worthwhile, while Ross was said to unsurprisingly be none-too-pleased about the skit, nor were other wrestlers such as Mick Foley.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.