Style: Ninjutsu, "Dark Arts" The original Pentagón was introduced in 1995 as the shadowy doppelgänger of Octagón. They're also ninjas, which means they're basically Mortal Kombat palette swaps, but with cartwheels instead of fire-breathing skull faces. The first Pentagón was played by two guys, one of which even appeared in a tríos match on Raw during WWE's brief attempt at competing with the Nitro cruiserweights. Like Octagón, Pentagón spawned an entire family of successors and mascots. There's a couple of Pentagóncitos, a Japan exclusive Pentagón Viper, and a Lady Pentagón that never actually competed in the ring. There's also a Pentagón Jr., as Lucha Underground fans well know, and the dynasty appears to be in good -- if sinister -- hands. Brother beats people so bad candles blow out.