Style: Karate, Various Mists Keiji Mutoh has a legitimate background in amateur wrestling and judo, but in his Great Muta guise, he's pure chop-socky goodness. Actually, his goofy cartoon martial arts history stretches back even before he declared himself "Great." In the early 80's, he plied his trade as White Ninja, Super Ninja (not the one Warrior beat) and Super Black Ninja. At least in the West, his greatest success came when he was under the paint of the Great Muta. His hard strikes and mysterious ability to vomit up debilitating most brought him multiple championships in the US, climaxing with one of the final reigns as NWA champion under the WCW banner. Muta's legendary career has inspired countless imitators over the years; it probably wouldn't be too much of a challenge to assemble a list of wrestlers who cribbed from Muta specifically.