25 Lamest WrestleMania Moments Of All Time
25. WrestleMania 2 - Three Different Venues

WrestleMania 2 was the first (and only) WWE event to be broadcast from three separate locations, and while 31 years later the mid-show changes of venue make the card a historical curiosity, the fact that the tactic has never been repeated shows how successful it was.
The real losers, in this case, were the fans who came to the live shows. Each arena - Long Island's Nassau Coliseum, Chicago's Rosemont Horizon, and Los Angeles's Memorial Sports Arena - only hosted four matches, and barely any of them were any good. In the main event, Hulk Hogan retained the WWE Championship by defeating King Kong Bundy in a subpar steel cage match.
WrestleMania 2 is often forgotten, lost between the inaugural show and the legendary WrestleMania III, and that's fair - it's easily in the bottom five 'Mania's of all time. Unfortunately, the decision to split it amongst three venues meant that not even the fans in attendance were able to enjoy themselves.