3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Oct 6 - Results & Review)

1. Tony Khan, Do You Know Your Roster?!

Claudio Castagnoli

This was a crime against pro wrestling.

Sticking someone as skilled as Claudio Castagnoli out there for a three-minute squash should be illegal. There was simply nothing to be gained from he and Wheeler Yuta besting Levi Shapiro and Wise Guy Ruiz in such a short match. What a complete and utter waste of a top class wrestler that was.

Honestly, it's poor from AEW. Castagnoli is capable of wrestling rings around most on the roster (which is saying something given the general calibre), and yet here he was standing on the ring apron for 90 seconds of a 180-second match. That's p*ss poor, not just poor.

You've got to question why Khan feels the need to jot stuff like this down on format sheets when he surely knows it doesn't make a lick of sense. Did he sign Claudio to squash guys like some limited big man monster heel? No, so don't do it.

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AEW Rampage
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