3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 10)

2. Nah, Not Having This!

The Acclaimed

The Acclaimed winning a random squash bout on Rampage will never be great, but it's representative of a wider problem with the tag-team right now. Max Caster and Anthony Bowens have been directionless sods since dropping the AEW Tag Titles, and booking them in nothing segments like this doesn't cut it.

What was Tony thinking when he had lightning in a bottle with these guys?! Now, they're away from the belts that seemed destined to belong to them for way longer than they did, and the pair are also in some rubbish feud with JAS (who are trying to recruit them/trick The Acclaimed into thinking they want to recruit them).

It's boring.

Caster, Bowens and Billy Gunn were one of the most over acts in all of pro wrestling a while back, and now they're...just sort of there. This happened with Wardlow too, and is perhaps proof that AEW doesn't know how to sustain a push properly.

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AEW Rampage
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