3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 10)

1. Why Book Them?

Starboy Charlie Jack Cartwheel AEW

Holy mother of Mick Foley, this was bad.

AEW decided to book indy names Starboy Charlie and Jack Cartwheel vs. The Acclaimed on Rampage, and have them stare at the lights within 90 seconds. Now, playing enhancement talent is nothing new, but All Elite ripped the living p*ss out of both guys relentlessly before, during and after the match.

JR, on Cartwheel, said: "That name's gonna take you far, kid!". Then, Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho took turns mocking the pair for their outfits. Did somebody find any of this funny? If AEW thought these guys were ridiculous (and not in a good way), then here's an idea.


Man, this was so dumb, and took a dump on the kind of presentation AEW is supposed to have. They're independent wrestling friendly, no? Yeah, so why were they letting the commentary team run amok and ridicule this sort of thing?

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AEW Rampage
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