3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 26)

2. Not Sure This Should’ve Followed

Ethan Page The Gunns AEW

Fans of The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn's act will enjoy reading about their successes in the 'Ups' section. That was great stuff, but AEW elected to follow up on a strong trios match with a poorer squash-style one. That was a truly puzzling decision, especially on a one-hour show.

Formatting is important, people.

Also, Ethan Page and The Gunns squashing some enhancement workers somehow felt like it overstayed its welcome despite only lasting a few minutes. That's a skill. Maybe this had more to do with the fact that viewers had literally just witnessed another six-man tag.

Piggy-backing that with something similar but definitely inferior was an odd choice. Looking back, Tony Khan probs should've stuck the women's tag in between those two trios bouts to help separate them a little more. He didn't do the second six-man segment any favours here.

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AEW Rampage
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