3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 26)

1. Give Us A Reason To Care, AEW!

Big Bill Lee Moriarty AEW

Speaking of not doing favours.

TK has done little to make anyone care about teams like Best Friends or the Big Bill and Lee Moriarty tandem (which is still plodding on even when it's clear The Firm is no longer an ongoing concern in AEW). It'd be great if All Elite could actually work in some character development rather than relying on random-ass matches like this.

It wasn't a worthy main event for Rampage. In fact, it was one of the worst picks for that spot when the opening trios bout and the women's tag were both vastly superior in terms of overall fan interest. Best Friends vs. Not The Firm only went on last because of the 'Blackjack Battle Royal' sell job.

Fair enough, but few seemed to care about that either! Plus, the post-match brawling between entrants after the match was seriously tame, uncoordinated and all rather boring. Orange Cassidy was barely touched, then ended the episode staring at his belt.

Thrilling scenes, lads.

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AEW Rampage
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