3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 26)

1. Trios Title Challengers In Waiting

The Acclaimed Billy Gunn

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn beating Rush, Preston Vance and Dralistico made sense. Their match won't blow your socks off, or anything, but it was still another strong win for the popular babyfaces. They've certainly been one of Rampage's bright sparks over the past while.

Post-match, Anthony Bowens grabbed the mic and he, Max Caster and Gunn teased answering House Of Black's open challenge for the Trios Titles come Double Or Nothing. That'd be a cool moment, if only 'cause The Acclaimed are so over and so different to HOB in terms of presentation.

Let's do this.

It was also pleasing to see the opening six-man get some decent time after that annoying pic-in-pic. That doesn't happen often enough; most matches blighted by the weekly ad break curse tend to end approx 90 seconds after returning. Not here.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more like this, check out AEW Double Or Nothing 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen and AEW Double Or Nothing 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True!

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AEW Rampage
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