3 Ups & 5 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Apr 12)


5. Bahh, Bahh, Bahh

Fallah Bahh is one of those guys on the roster that’s just there to fill up the numbers. He doesn’t really need to be there for any sort of reason, yet the fans adore him. To this day, no-one will ever be able to understand how he’s had a World Championship match.

This week, he came across as a bit of a pest towards the female talent, barging into their locker room and being screamed at to get out. After leaving, he was approached by Scarlett Bordeaux, with The Smokeshow offering to be Bahh’s tag partner next week against The Desi Hit Squad. Where’s KM disappeared to?

Right now, all signs point towards one of two things: a romance storyline between Bahh and Bordeaux, or Bordeaux turning on Bahh further down the line after having enough fun manipulating him. Either way, it all seems like a waste of time to have on the show.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.