3 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Mar 25)

4. Thanks For Coming, Ridge Holland!

King Woods Ridge Holland

Well, what a disgraceful waste of everyone's time Woods' comeback was. That ring announcer ruined the moment, then WWE's King beat poor Ridge Holland in less than one minute by rolling him up. "Surprises" all over the place, people! At least Michael Cole seemed pleasantly surprised.

He was the only one.

How this was supposed to help any of these guys is anyone's guess, really. Sheamus, Ridge and Butch look like ineffectual losers, and New Day defo don't need a rub like this in 2022. Is it really too much to ask that WWE position Holland as a reckless brute who enjoys hurting people? Why not?

Oh, because obviously making him look like some 1980s jobber is preferable - got it. Honestly, this loss reeked of a punishment, and it always blows when promotions think fans want to see pro wrestlers get punished in front of the cameras.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.