3 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Mar 25)

3. Doubling Down On Weaknesses

Charlotte Flair Ronda Rousey

Yes, WWE's major stories do rely on a lot of talking and hype. That's inarguable, and it's a proven method of building excitement for bigger matches. However, Ronda Rousey just isn't comfortable on the mic, and probably never will be, so it's stupid to keep flogging away at a dead horse.

The material creative give her is also far too dry, but the same could be said for Charlotte Flair. Most regular viewers can probs tell what Flair is going to say before she even says it, and not in a fun, interactive way like The Rock used to do. Nah, more in a, 'THIS AGAIN?!' kind of way.

This skit came across as two frustrated teenagers bickering about nothing more than build for a colossal WrestleMania title showdown, and that's a shame. The rivalry needs constant physicality or it's rubbish, sadly. Yep, this was a step backwards for Ronda vs. Charlotte.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.