3 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE NXT UK (3 June)

4. New Aoife, Similar Vignette

Subjectively, Aoife Valkyrie’s vignette on last night’s episode was good. She said everything right, explaining how she’s adapted following her somewhat recent loss to Meiko Satomura, and that you can’t know your limits in life without ever reaching them.

Good stuff subjectively, the key word there being the last. Objectively, this didn’t work. It was essentially a repeat of Valkyrie’s last vignette from a couple of weeks ago. It was clearly shot the same day – some of the exact same footage may have even be used – and Aoife didn’t really say anything new.

As is often the case, it was a cracking vignette from a production standpoint, but is there much of a point if the vignette is more or less a rehash of something prior? WWE clearly saw that it was a good vignette, and were like, “Oh, you like this? Have more of it. Have all of it”. Needless to say, bring Aoife back before releasing another of these videos.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.