3 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE NXT UK (3 June)

2. Whatever This Was

What was this about?

An ominous vignette saw Tyler Bate, the new holder of the Heritage Cup, doing some meditating, and then saying words in a way that didn’t make sense, before swinging nunchucks around while blindfolded(?) – why? ‘The Big Strong Boi’ mentioned how the mind can be turbulent, but when it’s calm, everyone becomes clear, which, yes, makes sense, but no, doesn’t make for a good video package voiceover.

The lifestyle changes Tyler has made aren’t a secret. Everyone knows he’s now into all this calming the mind schtick, but it’s never going to work as a wrestling character. Your writer loves when a wrestler is capable of bringing their legitimate lifestyle into wrestling as a gimmick – CM Punk being straight edge, Daniel Bryan being an environmentalist, et al – but this? This is dreadful, tedious, stuff.

Genuinely, why did he have those nunchucks and why was he blindfolded?


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.