3 Ups And 4 Downs From WCPW Loaded Episode 11
3. More Is Less, Part 2

From one triple threat match to another, as the next bout on the show featured three teams all going at it at once. The combination of young Liam Slater and his tough guy mentor Johnny Moss were out first, followed by the old-school throwback tandem Moustache Mountain, and finally, Los Perspectiva - Prospect wearing luchador masks.
There was a lot of comedy before the bell even rang, with Moustache Mountain shaking fans' hands and Los Perspectiva trying to flip into the ring. It continued into the match, but never really built to anything. There was some fun stuff, like when Moss, who was booked as a monster, started to unload on everybody, but things never really reached that level of excitement that a match with this many men should have.
In the end, Los Perspectiva picked up the win, which felt a little silly given that they were pushed as jokes throughout the bout. I guess the fact that their third man kept participating in the match (and the referee didn't seem to mind) didn't hurt at all.