30 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Attitude Era PPV

25. He Should’ve Won King Of The Ring 1998

The Rock Stone Cold Steve Austin

Sorry for all the Ken Shamrock bashing. He was great, but The Rock would’ve been a better pick to win King Of The Ring in 1998 rather than our Kenny. Did Rocky absolutely need the crown? Maybe not, but Shamrock didn’t really capitalise anyway. It was pretty wasted on the former UFC man.

'King' Rocky had a better ring to it anyway.

For some reason, Vince McMahon thought putting Dan Severn in the latter stages of KOTR was a smart move. Rock struggled to squeeze much from him, then fell to Shammers in the final. The PPV would be remembered for more than a blistering HIAC war had Rock won the tourney.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.