33 WTF Moments From WWE Clash Of Champions 2016
25. What's He Doing There?!
Alberto Del Rio officially left WWE on September 9. It was clear he would be leaving for some time before that.
Here we are seeing this advert for the first time - I can't remember seeing it before and I have to watch ALL of WWE's main roster programming for these WTF Moment articles - on September 25.
Is that not enough time to take Del Rio out? It's weird seeing him in a new advertisement for the company, even though he's no longer employed by them.
Although, he does look like he's playing he part of a random drunk all struck out on luck and getting hammered at a bar so maybe the company thought this was appropriate.
As we all know, no life exists outside of WWE... even though you just have to look at Del Rio, Cody Rhodes and EVERY OTHER PISSING INDEPENDENT WRESTLER to see there clearly is.