4 Most Likely General Manager Candidates For WWE Raw & SmackDown

8. JBL (Raw)

Mick Foley General Manager Raw

As much as he is an oddly-beloved figure amongst WWE fans, you'd find it difficult to come across even the fondest of JBL supporters who aren't over his often-distracting commentary, for lack of a better phrase.

WWE appears to be looking to assign GMs that are a tad out of the box, straying from what we've already seen in the past. The open position of General Manager could provide the perfect opportunity for JBL to transition into a different on-screen role, one that is hopefully less annoying.

JBL's credentials as an enforcer have been proven by his career path, from making up one half of the APA to a year-long WWE Championship reign. After all is said and done, a General Manager is essential that: an enforcer who ensures everything runs smoothly.

Not necessarily requiring a heel or face stance, JBL could simply exist in the role and perform well. Of course, there is plenty of room for a budding working relationship with Stephanie McMahon to develop, whether smooth or turbulent.


Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden