4 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (Jan 21)


1. Maybe Slow It Down?

Nick Jackson

Soap box warning!

This is a personal gripe, maybe, but The Young Bucks' matches always seem to delve into overkill territory. Nick Jackson's bout vs. Trent Beretta was no different - the pair couldn't resist no-selling a few major things, and this fan isn't really sure why they bother formatting spots that way.

Is it just the way modern pro wrestling is? Perhaps, but it's still annoying to watch. Put it this way: AEW will book a piledriver or some other major move in an injury angle at some point, and they will want you (as the viewer) to take that seriously. The challenging thing there is these moves happen so regularly with so little consequence.

Surely slowing things down and actually selling is the way to go. The Bucks are good workers, and their 'everything, all the time' showcases do have merit (they're certainly popular enough), but man...would it kill them to hold back a bit every so often?

This was a chance for Nick to show a different side.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.