4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (18 May - Results & Review)
2. Move Along, Please!

Rush is an intense worker who has an impactful finish. That, on paper, might make him seem perfect for an endless string of squash matches, but the reality is different; Rush going 15 seconds kinda misses the point on his main strengths. Nobody's saying dudes like Cody Chhun should be hanging for 15 minutes, but...just don't book it then?
Segments like this always come across as a complete and utter waste of time on a show as short as Rampage is anyway. Also, again, this better actually lead to something instead of a random title shot for Rush and then right back to square one. AEW is far too guilty of doing that, and it needs to stop.
One of these squashes would've been enough to reintroduce Rush. He beat Martin Stone in around 2 minutes recently, and that should've been that for the squishing. Not in Tony Khan's world - he apparently needs everyone to see Rush squash, squash, squash for a while.