4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage: Beach Break (Jan 28)

1. #HFO

Matt Hardy The Blade Private Party

Last moan of the week.

Anybody who reads this writer's stuff will know that he hasn't exactly been thrilled with Matt Hardy's run in AEW. His 'Broken' reawakening was fun enough, but this 'Big Money' role is squeezing the life out of acts like Private Party, The Butcher and The Blade. Again, some may disagree, and that's fine.

The #HFO looks like a mish-mash of oddities with nothing better to do more than a fully-realised group who are all pulling in the same direction. Hardy's presence at ringside was a hindrance to the main event and didn't add anything at all. That rendered it rather pointless.

Yours truly would like to see Private Party (in particular) split from the humdrum stable and speak for themselves. Constantly having Matt chinwag with Christian Cage like they should be the focus for tag matches they're not even in is so far beyond tedious.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.