4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 17)

3. Making The Most Of Time

Tay Conti Penelope Ford

At first, this was going to be a 'Down' and a whinge about tacking on unnecessary gimmicks. Then, the match played out and this guy was pleasantly surprised by what Tay Conti and Penelope Ford managed to achieve in just five short minutes. Their submission match was fine.

Sure, it was too short to really implement the stip properly, but it was fine.

Conti and Ford have a decent level of chemistry together, and it's obvious that Tay is starting to come into her own the more AEW shows faith in her. Neither woman deviated too far from the bout's purpose (to make your opponent submit), and The Bunny got to hit Conti with those brass knuckles that have been part of the narrative for a while post-match.

If you didn't care for the submission gimmick, then that weapon shot got things back on track with a bang. The old "maximise your minutes" phrase came to mind here. Tay and Penelope certainly did that on this week's Rampage. They should be proud of their effort.

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AEW Rampage
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