4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 7)

2. Eddie Kingston Leads A Jumpstart

Mark Henry AEW Rampage

Mark Henry will be f*cking raging.

His main event interview time was sullied by bad behaviour. Eddie Kingston led Santana and Ortiz off-set, then the babyface trio jumped a ranting Daniel Garcia and 2.0 over in their box. Meanwhile, big 'Sexual Chocolate' did everything in his power to get that, "It's time for your main event" line in.

This is exactly what a scrapper like Kingston would do though, so no complaints here. His lawlessness was the best way to kick off the (otherwise pedestrian) headline brawl, and it helped that the heels were far too busy believing their own nonsense to see it coming.

Christ knows what WWE didn't see in 2.0, but their loss is very much AEW's gain. Jeff Parker and Matt Lee specialise in cutting obnoxious, shouty promos, and that's always fun when they're also so willing to end up with egg on their faces.

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