4 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage: St. Patrick's Day Slam (Mar 17)


4. Paul Wight’s Commentary

Excalibur Tony Schiavone Paul Wight

This might come as a shocker to readers.

Also, and this is really painful to say so let's just rip the band-aid off: Paul Wight was an improvement on Jim Ross this week. Yep, that sucks to type - nobody's suggesting JR doesn't have a place, but Wight was out to impress with his in-ring insight and energetic banter alongside Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

He was really rather good, especially during the opener between Powerhouse Hobbs and Rey Fenix. The former Big Show appeared to be excited about what he was seeing, and he knew this was an opportunity to show Tony Khan (and more viewers than he gets on Dark etc) what he brings to the party.

JR has his place, so here's a suggestion. Replace Jericho with Wight on Rampage from here on out, and let the giant earn his way onto an eventual three-man team down the road. It was refreshing to hear his analysis, and he was clearly very well-prepared.

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