4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 14)


3. Nobody Sells Anything

Trent Beretta Adam Cole Piledriver

Right, what's the deal here? Why do modern pro wrestlers, especially in AEW (or so it seems), profess their love of the game and then no sell absolutely everything? The Trent Beretta vs. Adam Cole opener was almost totally ruined by some bumps that looked deadly but barely left a scratch.

That Brainbuster onto Cole's knee didn't faze Beretta, and the same thing happened when Trent then blasted Adam with a piledriver on the ring apron. That's the sort of thing that should lead to a finish, not a transitional spot that someone bounces back from within 10 seconds.


Sorry, but this no-selling bullsh*t really hurt the match. Why even bother putting those moves into your matches if you're not going to make them seem painful? This fan will never get that attitude. Christ knows how the commentators are supposed to sell anything as impactful either.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.