4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 14)

1. Too Many Bodies

Adam Cole Bobby Fish Kyle O'Reilly Young Bucks Britt Baker Brandon Cutler

A worrying trend has started on Rampage, and it's annoying.

Tony Khan seems to think that flinging a bunch of midcarders out there is enough. It's become clear that AEW look at Rampage as an excuse to get as many workers on camera as they possibly can too, and it's...unnecessary. Diluting the spotlight shouldn't be something that happens constantly.

Look at the opener, for example. Adam Cole was joined by Bobby Fish, Kyle O'Reilly, Brandon Cutler, The Young Bucks and Britt Baker. Then, Trent Beretta had his Best Friends gang at ringside too. Jesus, do you think that's enough bodies?! Less is more, people.

AEW have more than enough roster depth to keep things simple but get some more big names on Rampage in featured spots too. Where are CM Punk and Bryan Danielson? Also, why doesn't Hangman Page appear on the show? Having the World Champ out there occasionally would really up the ante.

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AEW Rampage
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