4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 18)

1. Bring A Weapon (Then Throw It Away)

Shane Swerve Strickland

Shane Strickland's in-ring AEW debut rightly earned a ton of plaudits last week. His match with Tony Nese, whilst definitely not his best bout ever (give it time), was functional and did a neat job of introducing Swerve. Then, this week, he came across as an utter moron.

Strickland ran out to save Keith Lee from a beatdown at the hands of The Acclaimed and Team Taz. The newbie brought a steel chair with him to even the odds, but then...tossed it aside when he reached the ring. Huh? That made him look dumb, and it didn't help the heels either.

They came across as fools too for not realising what had happened/hitting the ring to kick Swerve's ass for being a stupid babyface. Why even bother bringing a weapon out if you're going to throw it to your rivals? That made no sense whatsoever.

Bit of a botch.

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AEW Rampage
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