4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (March 1 - Results & Review)
3. Pretty Pointless

Nah, this wasn't needed.
Lance Archer teaming with The Righteous to squash some local workers added nothing to Rampage. Segments like it are totally pointless unless they're designed to introduce a brand new killer, part of an ongoing story or something like that. Scrap them if they're exhibitions like this one.
Friday's show just didn't need this, and the apathetic response from the live crowd showed they weren't exactly thrilled either. Honestly, AEW, you've got a ton of wrestlers on your books who could've worked a lively trios vs. Archer and The Righteous. Did it need to be enhancement guys?!
Rampage is only one hour long, so booking bouts with entrances longer than the actual wrestling is frankly rubbish. Give people a reason to tune in rather than frittering away precious minutes on utter tripe that achieves precisely nothing.