4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 6)


3. A Senseless Line

Scorpio Sky Ethan Page Dan Lambert Frankie Kazarian

Come on, man. What are we doing here?

Scorpio Sky paused during his stand off with old SCU mate Frankie Kazarian to say: "The days of this TNT Title getting passed around like Tay Conti backstage are over". He then paused to smile smugly and soak in the mandatory, "Ooooooooh" response from the live crowd.

This writer isn't offended easily, but this was just unnecessary and senseless. Also, who the f*ck is supposed to be the babyface in this feud between Men Of The Year and Sammy Guevara? Both sides come across as world class pr*cks more often than not, and alignments seem to shift weekly.

Throw Kazarian into the mix and it all feels a little messy. There's too much going on; title changes, slut-shaming, Lambert with another belt himself, some SCU nods. It's overboard and doesn't present a clear direction for Sky as champ.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.