4 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Nov 12)

2. Post-Match Done Right

Adam Cole The Young Bucks

Then, after the match, the goodness kept on coming.

Cole ran in like an opportunistic jerk and tried to hit Jungle Boy with a Con-Chair-To. That tease was followed by run ins from Christian Cage and Luchasaurus to save the day. JB's pals chased off the ex-Undisputed Era leader, then Cage whacked Fish with his Killswitch.

The whole segment took just a few minutes, but achieved a ton. Jungle Boy evaded yet more punishment at the hands of Cole, Cage/Luchasaurus looked like heroes, Bobby Fish came across as a heel sacrificial lamb, and The Young Bucks sauntered out like d*cks afterwards.

Full Gear's 'Falls Count Anywhere' brawl will be a fun sprint, that's for sure. There's enough energy in Cole vs. Jungle Boy and even Cole vs. Christian to make it work, and The Bucks will bump around like Curt Hennig in his prime for the big dinosaur.

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AEW Rampage
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