4 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (26 July - Results & Review)


3. They’re Still Fighting Over Nothing

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Let's bash through the negatives first.

Andrade and Carmelo Hayes blatantly have nothing else going on. That's how their mini-feud reads, and it isn't enough. These boys certainly don't need another match with zero stakes. WWE set that up on this week's show by having Hayes claim that his beef with 'El Idolo' isn't over until he wins.

Be real careful here, writers. If Carmelo keeps losing, then he'll have a stink on him that'll be difficult to wash off. Heels are full of sh*t, sure, but they need to come good on their grandiose words occasionally or fans stop caring about them altogether. Also, it'd be nice to have something on the line here.

Things might be different if this was presented as...say...a battle to become next in line for a United States Title shot, but no - Andrade and Melo are still warring over who was the biggest loser back at Money In The Bank. It's paper-thin and weak.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.