4 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 8 - Results & Review)

2. House Show Style Main (But A Good One)

Randy Orton LA Knight

2023 has been awesome for LA Knight, and now he's capping it off by teaming with a jacked Randy Orton in one of the most fun TV main events you're likely to see. No, there was nothing spectacular or even particularly memorable here, but the live crowd were super into everything Randy and Knight did.

The match went by in a flash because of that, and because all four men involved stayed true to their characters. Presumably, they were handed a few extra minutes at the eleventh hour due to Charlotte Flair's injury. If so, then they filled them admirably by going hard on the house show-style hijinks.

Sometimes, that's all you need.

Special mention must go to Jimmy Uso. He's taken a bit of a beating in these articles over the past few months, but Jimmy has managed to pull the nose up on his run by turning into a bit of a clown who's getting on everyone's nerves. That'll be something to look out for when Roman Reigns returns to action next week.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.