4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (July 1)

3. But Not For The Finish

The Young Bucks Meltzer Driver


The Meltzer Driver is impressive enough as-is, but Nick Jackson's springboard from one ring to the other was flawless. Even more incredibly, that Young Buck had already smashed Hirooki Goto with a picture-perfect springboard crossbody seconds before.

Rey Fenix would've been proud of the way Nick worked those ropes. It was amazing to see him compose himself, then go again for back-to-back springboard spots. Best of all, they didn't feel out of place, and actually put over how far The Bucks had to go if they were going to beat the New Japan regulars.

Typically, this writer bashes unnecessary flips, but even he applauded what was on show during the final minutes of this tag. Everything, from the timing to the way 'dem Jackson boys protected Yoshi-Hashi without sacrificing impact, was f*cking awesome.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.