4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (June 3)

2. No Selling? No Problem!

The Young Bucks Rey Fenix

Listen, matches that forgo psychology, pacing and selling typically aren't this writer's thing, but you'd have to be a right miserable bastard to watch Rampage's opener without a smile. If you're able to switch off that logic button and just watch, then this worked a treat.

The Bucks and Lucha Bros worked like they'd leapt straight out of the old WWE All Stars video game. They didn't p*ss around with pesky things like sell jobs or even try to slow down at all - nah, the foursome went balls-to-the-wall and served up a sugar rush style.

AEW's live crowd gobbled it up.

Only a few matches from the 60-minute weekly could be called pay-per-view quality since Rampage started last year, but this is one of them. You could easily toss this onto a show like Double Or Nothing and people wouldn't complain. Though tolerance for The Bucks' style varies fan to fan, it's hard to claim that they don't give AEW's audience what they want.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.