4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Road Rager (June 17)

1. Sting’s Return

Sting AEW Rampage 2022

What a cracking moment this was for Rampage.

AEW's third hour can occasionally come across as inconsequential these days, so it's sweet to have a major return to report from Friday night's edition. Sting, who looked rather refreshed after some time off, made his comeback by saving Darby Allin from the clutches of reDRagon.

It's unclear just how much juice this feud still has, but Stinger targeting the team that took him out back in May is logical. Fans were also delighted to see him, and everyone popped big for the lights going down; bonus points to Kyle O'Reilly for selling Sting's sudden appearance like he'd seen a ghost.

Sting and Allin vs. Bobby Fish and O'Reilly should be used exclusively on Rampage going forwards. It'd be wise to give the 'B' show some rivalries fans can't see on Dynamite, after all. For now, just enjoy having the icon back on TV.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more wrestling, check out WWE 2K23: 10 Improvements Fans Demand and 10 Gimmicks WWE Cancelled For Being TOO SUCCESSFUL!

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