4 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 20)

2. Regal & Jericho’s Commentary

Chris Jericho Jake Hager William Regal Excalibur Taz

Credit to Taz and Excalibur for laying out during the main event so Jericho and William Regal could sell their Double Or Nothing showdown. That 'Anarchy In The Arena' bout has been rushed into existence, so it was nice to have some extra set-up and context from both on guest commentary.

Their banter was ace.

Regal sh*t stirring by reminding Jake Hager who welcomed him first in WWE was a neat touch, and so was Jericho lecturing his old rival for trying to cause unnecessary dissension. Both veterans worked some fab back-and-forth that was punchy and realistic, and they crucially quit bickering during the main's most watchable spots.

Ever the crafty one, Regal even found time to put over how resilient and intelligent Dante Martin is between the ropes. Echoing that, Jericho said he'd love to recruit Dante for his Jericho Appreciation Society someday. What a masterclass in hyping matches and young stars this was.

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AEW Rampage
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