4 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sept 2)

1. Then Others Stole The Spotlight

Chris Jericho Bryan Danielson

Eventually, AEW got to a pull-apart brawl between Ricky and Powerhouse, but Tony Khan's emerging need to overbook everything also spoiled that. Let this writer be crystal clear: Bryan Danielson should not have come out to confront Chris Jericho right at the end of the show when Starks and Hobbs were fighting.

Way to make them look second rate.

Jericho and Danielson didn't even come to blows themselves, so their face-to-face was ultimately pointless. Tragically, the only thing they actually achieved was stealing some spotlight from a feud that badly needed some attention itself, and that's just flat out sad.

Rampage had approx 30 seconds of air time left when Bryan wandered out to...look at Jericho. AEW's producers didn't seem to know which altercation to focus on, and that left Starks vs. Hobbs looking like a background argument between two bums in the parking lot.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.