4 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 13)

2. Roman Reigns' Revenge On Dolph Ziggler (Not Corbin)

Roman Reigns Dolph Ziggler

It was a case of when not if for Roman Reigns' interference in that main event. Fans around ringside seemed more interested in where the 'Big Dog' would spring from rather than watching the formulaic singles-bout-turned-tag in front of them. Those folks popped hard when Roman's music played.

For a mediocre episode of the show, SmackDown at least had a cool, smart ending.

Rather than smearing dog food all over 'King' Corbin as revenge for seven days ago, Reigns pushed Dolph Ziggler off a ladder through the announce table and motioned that Corbin was next. This quasi-Goldberg impersonation pumped up the fans even more, and it cleverly left the final chapter (Roman beating Corbin) for TLC.

That's some slick storytelling from WWE. For all the missteps the writers have taken during the build to this weekend's pay-per-view, they deserve credit for making sure Corbin slinked away as his running buddy took a painful bump.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.